Take a moment to ready yourself, find a calm and quite spot where you will not be disturbed for a few minutes, turn off your cell phone, find that comfortable position making sure the room temperature is comfortable. Sit back relax, you may close your eyes if you wish.
Take in a big deep breath filling your lungs up with air….Hold it now exhale slowly feeling the air pushing out the stress in your body. Exhale completely. Again take in a deep breath this time thinking as you take in the air about pulling the air and energy from the sky above and from the earth below; pulling that energy towards your heart for healing. Completely filling your lungs with a healing breath. Holding it and now releasing the healing air slowly from your lungs. One more time breathe in deeply; pulling the energy from the heavens above and the earth below. Hold it in your lungs for a moment……now slowly release feeling the stress and anxiety from the work week leaving your body.
Continue to breathe slowly and rhythmically in and out allowing stress to leave your body as your exhale.
When you are ready, let’s start with your head, neck and shoulder region of your body. Tighten up your upper body, scrunch up your face, neck, shoulders tight bring your shoulders up to your ears…holding that position…1….2…3….4….5. Now slowly release feeling the stress leaving your body and a sense of calmness and tranquility flood in. One more time tighten up your upper body, scrunch up your face, neck, and shoulders tightly as bring up your shoulder to your ears…hold that position…1….2…3….4….5. Again release feeling a calm and tranquil feeling come over you. Take in a deep cleaning breath, exhaling.
Let’s move to your middle body, tighten your chest, back, arms, bunching up your hands and pulling in your abdomen very tight. Holding it 1….2….3….4….5. Now release, feeling the entire area releasing stress and being replaced with a sense of calm and quietness in your body. Keep breathing in and out with intention. Again tighten your chest, back, arms, bunching up your hands and pulling in your abdomen holding very tight. 1….2….3….4….5. Now release, feeling the entire area releasing stress and as you breath in feeling a sense of calm and quietness entering in your body.
Now when you’re ready tighten up your lower back, butt, thighs and calves pulling all the muscles in very tightly…..holding it….1….2….3…..4…..5. Releasing slowly again feeling a calmness entering your body as you relax. Take in a deep breath hold and release. Tighten up your lower back, butt, thighs and calves pulling all the muscles in very tightly…..holding it….1….2….3…..4…..5. Breathe out as your release your muscles pushing out tension and replacing it with calmness.
Lastly, move to your ankles, feet and toes pull back your ankles and feel the stretch in the back of your legs, now scrunch up and tighten your feet and toes…..hold it. 1…..2….3…..4……5 breathing out as you release. Again tighten your ankles by pulling up your foot….hold it……………..release now tighten your feet and toes……hold it……..1…….2……..3……..4…….5. Release. Now take in a big deep breath hold it……………release letting out any leftover stress and anxiety, again take in a big deep breath hold it…………………. Release. And one more time take in a big deep breath ……………release. Now when you are ready slowly open your eyes and return to the present room feeling, calm, tranquil and peaceful.