Tracy Shockey-Pope, LCSW, Founder/Owner

I started working in the mental health field because I wanted to make a difference in peoples' lives. I have worked with many people that struggle with significant mental health problems. They are stuck, feeling like they have nowhere to turn, not sure how to fix the problem, or they blame themselves for being ________________ (fill in the blank) think negative adjectives. These folks are not what their brains tell them; in fact, most of the time, with a bit of help, these negative thoughts can be turned around, and they start to feel better. There is nothing more satisfying for me than to have my clients find an alternative way to handle a problem or have the ability to change how they respond and to include self-care in their life. No one gets off-tract because they like themselves. It usually is that negative feeling that tells them they are not worth it or are no good. I enjoy seeing my client throw those negative thoughts away, enjoy their family's lives, and find peace. That is why I do the work with the clients.

I also enjoy supervision and helping develop new therapists. It is a privilege to sit with therapists and discuss the client's case, finding the best solution for the client. To spend time looking at alternatives, brainstorming solutions, and finding the best intervention for their client's care. Following up with my therapists afterward is highly rewarding when the client reaches their goal because now, they are aware of their emotions, the boundaries to better care for themselves. Mental Health Matters for all.