What Does Your Dash Say About You?
The other day I was at a funeral and the speaker was talking about the dash between the date of birth and the date of death. His premise was that a person’s date of birth and date of death was just the marking of a specific time and was really unimportant in the scheme of life. The speaker went on to say what’s really important was the dash in between the dates. For that dash, is where all the years of life reside. That dash represents years of friendship, wining that sports game, learning to drive, graduations and other great joys like getting married, the birth of your children or your children get their first job. That dash could also represent the sadness of a death of a love one, a divorce or a failed business. But really that dash is about the how you handle each and every moment. Are you living for the moment and enjoying the lessons that your life is trying teaching you? These moments create texture and substance to our lives. That dash brings experiences that bring meaning, passion and sustenance to our lives. The dash is not about busyness or filling our days with meaningless tasks. That dash means finding your passion, enjoying your life and striving to be the best you, you can be. That dash means filling your days with friends and family that love and support you. It’s about giving back to our communities and helping others in need, it smiling at your neighbor, it taking the extra time to help in your child’s classroom. That little dash maybe small but it really has great significance for each and every one of us and we must not forget that, not even for a moment. What will your dash say about you?
What will your Dash say about you?